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Learning about the tradition of thangka painting helps me a lot in my work. I use a primer mixture for the conservation, what is needed to make a thangka image  and I use gouache paint to replace the colors.

Portfolio: (coming soon)


Dharma Gate Buddhist College Entrance (design) 2019

They teach about Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, so they asked me, what is the perfect symbol to the entrance.

Of course, I chose the Dharma Wheel!


The Ten Bulls of Zen 2014.


One of my teachers from the Dharma Gate Buddhist Collage asked me to make some illustrations to his workbook.

This is one page.



I drawing, painting and do digital illustrations about Buddhism.

Portfolio: coming soon


Dharma Box (painting) 2020

The Dharma Gate Buddhist Collage Library made some changes in their services. Because they would like to mininalize the contact with the readers, they bought a box, where they collect the bring back books.⁣ ⁣ They asked me to decorate this plastic box. They wanted some colourful, buddhist design on it.⁣ ⁣ Originally, the box has got a wooden pattern for the wood imitation. I used spray of plastic paint.⁣I selected samples for the Library's facade.

© All images and text copyright 2020-2024 by Thangka Project-Besenyei Lili.
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